
10月17日讲座:​Reinventing Ireland (during my lifetime)


                                     10月17日讲座:Reinventing Ireland (during my lifetime)


SEIS Academic Forum Series (No.694)

Forum on Irish Studies

Reinventing Ireland (during my lifetime)


演讲人:Jerusha McCormack


Over the last two generations or so, Ireland has moved from being a traditional to a post-modern society. What have been the drivers of such massive social change- both positive and negative? At what cost has it been achieved? And how, in the end, with so many distinctive identity markers swept away, can the Irish continue to think of themselves as “Irish”?

About the speaker:

Prof. Jerusha McCormack (University College, Dublin) concentrated on Irish, English, and Anglo-Irish literature in her earlier career. At BFSU since 2004 she has taught graduate seminars in American Studies, British Studies and Irish Studies, as well as co-teaching in China and the West, the course WCwCC. Together with John Blair, she produced a sourcebook of readings Western Civilization with Chinese Comparisons (WCwCC). Now the 4th edition, entitled Comparing Civilizations: China and the West (CCCW), is in press at Fudan University Press in Shanghai. Their most recent study, published in the USA by Rowman and Littlefield, is entitled Thinking through China.

关闭 打印责任编辑:爱尔兰研究中心-中文
